CEN/CLC/TC 6 Hydrogen in energy systems
CEN/TC 23 Transportable gas cylinders
CEN/TC 137 Assessment of workplace exposure
CEN/TC 139 Paints and varnishes
CEN/TC 172 Pulp, paper and board
CEN/TC 193 Adhesives
CEN/TC 207 Furniture
CEN/TC 208 Elastomeric seals for joints in pipework and pipelines
CEN/TC 212 Fireworks Pyrotechnic articles
CEN/TC 218 Rubber and plastic hoses and hose assembilies
CEN/TC 233 Biotechnology (nukkuva komitea)
CEN/TC 249 Plastics
CEN/TC 260 Fertlilizers and liming materials
CEN/TC 276 Surface active agents
CEN/TC 298 Pigments and extenders
CEN/TC 321 Explosives for civil uses
CEN/TC 335 Solid biofuels
CEN/TC 360 Project committee – Coating systems for chemical apparatus and plants against corrosion
CEN/TC 364 Project Committee – High chairs
CEN/TC 383 Sustainably produced biomass for energy applications
CEN/TC 386 Photocatalysis
CEN/TC 392 Cosmetics
CEN/TC 411 Bio-based products
CEN/TC 454 Algae and algae products
CEN/TC 462 Regulated chemicals in products
ISO/TC 6 Paper, board and pulps
ISO/TC 31 Tyres, rims and valves
ISO/TC 35 Paints and varnishes
ISO/TC 45 Rubber and rubber products
ISO/TC 47 Chemistry
ISO/TC 58 Gas cylinders
ISO/TC 61 Plastics
ISO/TC 91 Surface active agents
ISO/TC 134 Fertilizers and soil conditioners
ISO/TC 136 Furniture
ISO/TC 158 Analysis of gases
ISO/TC 197 Hydrogen technologies
ISO/TC 217 Cosmetics
ISO/TC 238 Solid Biofuels
ISO/TC 255 Biogas
ISO/TC 256 Pigments, dyestuffs and extenders
ISO/TC 264 Fireworks
ISO/TC 266 Biomimetics
ISO/TC 276 Biotechnology
ISO/TC 287 Sustainable processes for wood and wood-based products
Viimeksi päivitetty 21.01.2025